Colgate University or Dillard University
Colgate University and Dillard University are four year universities that both have similarities and differences. Colgate University first separates itself from Dillard because it is located in the city of Hamilton in the state of New York. Located in this part of New York, Colgate is surrounded by great beautiful views to be enjoyed by the students, staff, and visitors to the school. 2,900 students are enrolled at the university. This is not a lot of students. Some high schools have close to this amount. This is why the average class size at the university is 19 students. The students that are enrolled at the school have 51 majors to choose from, along with 13 minors. The 2,900 students that are enrolled in the school also make up the 175 plus clubs at Colgate. Joining a club is a great way to be sociable, have fun or try something new, and you may be able to make a difference in some way. If you are physically talented, Colgate University has 25 Division 1 Varsity teams. They are in the Patriot League along with other schools such as Navy, Lafayette, and other schools. Adonal Foyle, a basketball star at Colgate University, played 13 seasons in the NBA, and just recently retired. Attending Colgate, not having a scholarship of some sort, is pricey. A freshman attending Colgate during the 2010-2011 school year would have to pay a total of about $54,000. This includes Tuition, student activity fee, housing, the meal plan, and an estimate of personal expenses plus books. Although it is not the cheapest school, you will get a very good education and college experience attending Colgate University.
The first thing that separates Dillard University from Colgate University is that Dillard is located in New Orleans, Louisiana. Another major thing that separates the two schools is that Dillard University is a historically black college. Because of the big natural disaster caused by Hurricane Katrina, the school got remodeled. It is practically new. They are still rebuilding the school until the entire school is fully finished. The total number of students enrolled at Dillard University is 1,011. This is a very small number. The average class size at this school is 20 students to a class. The amount of students not being great at all makes the student to faculty ratio 11 to 1, which is very good. Dillard University has 21 majors for students to choose from. Whatever you can major in, you can minor in, except mathematics where that is only a minor option. Dillard University is a lot cheaper than Colgate University. The total amount is about $22,670 that one would have to pay. This includes tuition, room and board, and average additional fees. Dillard is not in the NCAA like Colgate, neither do they have Division 1 sports. Dillard University has Division 2 sports, and they belong to the NAIA(National Assiociation of Intercollegiate Athletics). Dillard University is smaller, more affordable, and not as good athletically, but you can still get a great education and have the chance to play sports against top competition around the country.
Although the two schools have their differences that make one stand out from the other, they also have their similarities. Both schools are privet four year universities. Both colleges are also liberal art schools. Both schools has clubs and organizations for students to join and be a part of. Both schools offers awards and scholarships to help their students pay for their tuition along with other fees the student may have. Dillard and Colgate also give out athletic scholarships for those student athletes that work hard in the classroom, and are good enough to compete at the college level. The universities have very nice campuses and a lot going on in each. Choosing to attend one of these schools may be difficult, or may be easy, but that is for the student to decide.
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