Friday, October 29, 2010

8. Math is a required subject. Explain why it is so important.

Even though it is a required subject, I don't feel that math is an important subject unless you want to do something in the future that involves you doing math. If you like numbers, money, or anything in that area. Then math is very important. If you want to own a business, then math is very important too. Math is very important because you need to know how to count. Yes I know there are a lot of formulas that you don't need in everyday life, but the formulas in math are simular to some formulas in life. For example, x + 10=20. X would then equal 10. In real life if you need to have $100 and you have $20, how much more do you need? Your equation would be x + $20=$100. It is the same type of problem. Math isn't important if you don't want to to it when you grow up. It still has somewhat importance though. You need to know how to count your money. But the hard math courses are not needed. You just need to know a little more than the very basics. But math is very important in life.

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