Thursday, October 21, 2010


Obesity is a huge problem in America today. It effects not only the person who obese, but the people around them. The whole country is affected from the problem of obesity. The person that is obese is looked upon not in a good way by society. They are seen as if they don't care about themselves. They don't care if they die from diabetes, or if they can't get up out the bed because they weigh so much their legs can't hold their weight. Obesity isn't coming from only adults either. It is starting at a young age. Many children in today's society are weighing a lot more than they should. By the time they get to middle and high school they are already huge, then have low self esteem. Then they get picked on by the people that are not fat or as them. Parents need to start feeding their children more healthy and have them excercising constantly everyday. The child should be active outside of school at least and hour and a half to two hours everyday of the week. People in not only American, even though we have the biggest weight problem, should watch their weight. Workout everyday to help burn off fat from your body and to stay in shape. Dieting doesnt do very good. Just dont over eat and eat the right foods. Have junk food sometimes, but not on a regular. Make it a treat for doing something good.

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