Thursday, October 7, 2010

same sex schools

Single-Sex Schools

                All girl schools believe that girls can learn better because boys are not there to distract them. They also believe that they have to compete with the boys and that they get less attention in the classroom. In a school with both girls and boys, the girls are a lot of the time distracting the boys. Having attended high school that contained both boys and girls, where I had classes where girls outnumbered the girls. The girls would talk most of the class period, distracting the rest of the class. The other classes I had there were no distractions. Everyone wanted to learn. The boys would help the girls, and the girls would help the boys. No one received any more attention than the other did. Single sex schools are not a good idea.

                In the real world, you are not split up by boys and girls. When you get a job, you don’t just work with all women. You won’t just only talk to all women in your life. So why would you split girls from boys, if school is suppose to prepare you for when you are out on your own living in the real world? That is a big mistake. Girls don’t end up knowing how to work with boys. For example, if at an all girls’ school they had to do a project where they had to start a business and make the most money possible. In the nearby future those girls will have to work with the opposite sex too. They will not know how to interact with them in a business setting. This will be a problem in their life, and may cost them their job. When applying for a job and the interviewer is a male, the girl won’t be prepared to talk to the opposite sex.

                In the school setting boys are not the problem for the girls. The girls, if anything, distract themselves by trying to entertain and show off for the boys. In the classroom boys and girls also think different on things and have different point of views on topics. Getting and seeing another point of view, along with seeing how someone else thinks, can help a person not have tunnel vision, be more open, and see the world different. Separating the two sexes won’t help them in the future either. It will hurt them greatly. They won’t know how to interact with the opposite sex; they will miss out on opportunities that may come your way just by knowing someone that you may meet at that school that you could be at. Going to school with one another can also help the girls find their true love. Mostly every girl wants to find that special someone that they have been looking for. Most of the time, that person is found in college or after you are done with school, you see that person, years later. If you go to school with all of the same sex, the girl or boy will never meet that person. Keep the schools mixed with both boys and girls.

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