Wednesday, November 3, 2010

explain what cooperation means to you and why it is important

Cooperation is being able to work with another person without getting into some kind of argument every so often. Being cooperative is also being able to follow directions and rules that are in place. In a job setting, being able to cooperate is being able to listen to your boss and following directions that are given to you. You cannot rebel against what your boss is trying to tell you to do something. Being able to cooperate with one another is a very good skill that would help out in the future. It is very important. In the world, you have to work with other people all the time. If you cannot do this then you have a really big problem. A lot of jobs require you to be very cooperative. You if you cannot do this, 9 times out of 10 you will not be hired. You will be unemployed during times of a terrible economy. If you can't cooperate during school you won't get the grades that you want. It is a must be able to not only work with other students, but follow all rules in order to have a smooth school experience. If you don't you will find yourself kicked out of school, or not graduating and making your parents and relatives very proud when you walk the stage at your high school graduation.

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