Sunday, November 28, 2010

spicy foods and sweet foods

When you eat something spicy your mouth gets hot, very hot. You look for something to drink so you can calm your mouth down and you start breathing heavier to try hand have the air cool your mouth down. Spicy foods do taste good though. Acertain food would not taste the same if it was not spicy. Making it spicy gives it a boost of flavor that is much needed when eating it so it will taste great. Sweet foods are not spicy. they make you mouth feel the same temperature wise, but they give you a taste that is liked very much. It makes your taste buds jump up and down and makes you want more. A lot of people like sweet foods because they like the feeling and taste in their mouth, and it makes them feel good. Personally I like spicy food a little more than I like sweet foods. Some sweet foods should be sweet, or some are a little too sweet and it does not taste right to me. All peoples' taste buds are different, that is why everyone likes different things different ways.

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